Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wednesday off?

Why in the WORLD would we have a Wednesday off? We have school on Thursday and Friday and Tuesday and Monday, but no Wednesday. Eh, I'm not complaining, no matter how stupid it is. A day off is a day off, right? That's what I say.

In other news, I made it to honor band. YES!!! That's exactly what I wanted. You see, I get to miss two days of school while simply playing the saxaphone for a couple hours. We get lunch there, t-shirts, and on the second day we get free dinner at the bowling alley. Then, we play two concerts and after the second day watch the other schools leave. Who said being in the band had no benefits?
What else is new? Not much. We had a really easy test in science, and I've got to leave soon for saxaphone lessons. D'awww. Oh yeah, and I've made a HUGE edit to my novel that is really just a behind-the-scenes thing, so pretty much no one will notice it. But you can read about that when I post about it on the 'Escape' blog. :D
