Tuesday, February 7, 2012


That title probably has nothing to do with this post whatsoever. This post is just about how we actually got snow today!! It's snowing right outside the window in front of me! I know, people in Russia and Sweden and places like that are so used to snow, they're probably thinking 'so what?'
However, this is the probably the third or fourth time it's snowed all winter long. Only once did the snow actually stay. Well, it's cold enough for snow to stick this month. We've been getting so much cold weather that it's been too cold to snow!
What do I really want? I want people to appreciate what they have. I want people to get along and all decide that wars really aren't the answer. I want people to love their neighbors. I want more people giving more to charity. I want to go and become a missionary in Africa. I want to serve my Lord with all my heart. I want to become a nicer person to be around. I want all sin to die. I want everyone to be saved. I want people to accept that everyone will be different. I want people to understand, as Dr. Seuss said, that a person's a person, no matter how small.
I want love to really make the world go 'round. Not the 'Oh, I love you, want to go get married?' kind of love, but the 'respect others' kind of love. Instead, right now hatefulness and loathing is traveling across the world. I want people to really respect others for who they are, and to not judge a book by its cover.
 I want to help people understand what this world needs. I want to help people who are in need. I want to make a difference. I want to help people find their personal 'Paradise'. I want to help.

Okay, so that's a little bit in depth of my mind right now. I just want to help people, but because of my mask and freakish amount of paranoia, that isn't possible right now. I, instead of helping, am striking people down. I, instead of loving neighbors, and knocking on their door and having them fall flat on their backs. I am stopping those who could really help us from doing it. I am, instead of stopping sin, creating more in the world and probably making it worse.
I am a hypocrite. Call me whatever you want, but that's what probably fits me best. That's the one word I would use whenever someone asks me about myself. Hypocritical. Crude. Paranoid. Clueless. Always being amused.
Why would I put 'always being amused?' The word 'muse' just means to think. To be 'amused' means to not think. It is a lack of thinking. That is why most of my hobbies are not 'amusing' but 'entertaining.' However, I almost never think through these things, and, as I am not thinking, am not 'musing' and, as a result, becoming 'amused.'
Some people would say it is a curse. I will not say that. I believe that whatever we do in this world is our own choice. Results, such as war, are not what some people say (that God doesn't love us), but because some people are being 'amused.' They are not thinking through things clearly.
Some people would just say, 'why not just call yourself stupid?' There is a difference between 'stupidity' and 'amusement'. I am not stupid. Stupidity is the lack of knowledge. I have a feeling that my I.Q. would not be exactly low. Please do not believe that my theory is a boost in ego. No, I am stating what I firmly believe. I am not exactly full of myself. At least, only as full as the average human.
Anyways, I am not stupid, I am just not thinking. If I used my mind to its fullest, I'm sure that things I'd never imagined could get done. For example, I could probably finally understand certain aspects of Algebra that make my mind twist into a million knots. My imagination may perhaps be too big for me. It is what always has gotten me into my theories. Most of them I just try to ignore, of course, but some I don't. I don't know why, but I don't. Those theories are perhaps some of the easier ones.
There are things that have worked throughout history, for example, that people tend to ignore now. What ever happened to compromises in the government? I'm sure that some happen, but not nearly as many as I've been learning of.
Do not let yourself be amused. Muse, even if it's only for a short period of time before becoming amused again. Break out of the terrible habit and muse.
That will conclude my ranting of the day. That may actually conclude my ranting of the entire month. Nonetheless, that concludes my ranting. You probably didn't enjoy it. If you did, then congratulations. You're starting to understand the craziness that is Beth.

Let's go find Musement!!!
Beth (not really)

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