Friday, February 17, 2012

This Week's Topic: Where

I'm getting straight to the point today. I'm making it early because I might just catch up on last week's tomorrow. So, stay tuned for tomorrow as well as today!

Where would Paradise be?
Well, many people picture Paradise as the perfect place surrounded by their perfect friends and perfect objects that make life just a big fraud. Really, life isn't about the designer friends, drugs, and clothes people. It's about so much more than a clothing brand and store chain.
Sorry, that would be more of a 'what' question. So where is Paradise? This question I would only be able to answer by 'depends on the person, their likes and dislikes, and different passions.' If someone loved the outdoors and countryside, it might be in the middle of the country where there is a forest nearby, as well as a prairie. To someone who hates the outdoors, it could be in the middle of the city surrounded by the city noises and things that make cities so different to live in.

If you can think of any more questions for 'Where', please send me a comment. If you don't want to be heard by anyone else, I'll set up a 'Contact Me' page right now.