Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Little About Me...

Totally changed this blog around. Completely. It's no longer about just writing. Sure, I'm a writer and I'll probably bring up the topic more than once, but it's not just about my writing anymore. It's about me now.
I'm going to paste fake names on here. I'm sorry, but you never can trust anyone you don't know on the internet. Even the people you do know... I don't know, it's just troubling.

Let's call me 'Beth'. I suffer from scoliosis. My spine is shaped in an 'S' so that one shoulder is higher than the other. It used to be unnoticable, but it's gotten worse. In fact, if my back were to get much worse, I'd have to get surgery and have a rod force my spine into place. Thankfully it's not that bad yet. For now, I just have to wear a back brace.
The back brace is just hard plastic made to fit around my body. However, there are little pads that stick into my back this way and that to make my back grow straight. It mostly stops right about where my heart is. However, there is a piece that sticks up and goes under and behind my right arm. It buckles in the front to make sure that it wouldn't just slip off. It's not very thick, thankfully, so it fits under my clothes.
However, if I wear tight clothes and lean fowards, the piece behind my right arm sticks out. I get a couple odd glances because of that. Heh.

I love to write. Whenever I feel bored or even the slighest bit depressed, I just write it out. I don't mean journal entries or anything like that. I like creative writing (writing stories). Sometimes, if I'm really mad at someone I'll just push my anger onto my characters. I don't think the characters like that very much. My characters, see, are as alive to me as you and me. I find it annoying when people tell me they aren't real, because they ARE to me.
I've been complimented by many of my teachers since fourth grade for my writing. In fifth grade, we had to write a short story. When everyone got their yearbooks and sent them around, my teacher signed it and wrote a little note, 'I expect to one day just sit down on the beach in a comfortable chair and read one of your novels.' It kind of inspired me to keep writing just for her.
In sixth grade... well, it was a weird year. It was the first year I actually had more than one teacher for my core classes. I actually only had three, and then the extra classes 'P.E., band, art, etc.' I never had much of an oportunity to impress my L.A. teacher. Well, except for one time, when I wrote twice as much as we were supposed to on a paper. But that wasn't even what I enjoyed writing. Instead, it was an essay.
In seventh grade, my L.A. teacher wasn't fazed by anything. She's seen it all, you know? So she wasn't moved much. That and the fact that most of us were scared of her because she had such an 'I don't care' attitude. After seventh grade I realized that she was actually pretty cool.
Now, I've already impressed my L.A. teacher. She's commented on my writing before. We do a lot of creative writing in L.A. nowadays (but also a lot of book reports and stuff. ugh), so that keeps it interesting.

One final thing I think you should know. I'm a Christian (all the way). In fact, on the 24th I get confirmed in the Catholic church. I'm thinking my saint name will be Saint Katherine. :/ I'm sorry, but I want to show people how God has just moved me. So He will be mentioned in this blog. I'm a believer.

Okay, now the introduction is done. That was long enough. Don't worry, there probably won't be another post like this. I'll probably just try explaining my complex mind, which I find has made me a lot different from everyone else. Not that I'm complaining.

Keep Reading,

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