Monday, January 9, 2012

Today's Topic: Coolness

I've always been pondering things about my life, even though they're pretty easily answered. These could potentially find my true 'paradise' or 'calm to the storm'. Everyone is looking for their's, even if they haven't really expressed it much to themselves yet. This, I have done. Anyways, these are questions on the topic stated in the title that could help lead me (or misguide me) on my journey.
Am I cool? Well, as the phrase 'cool' differs in meaning by each individual, I could be 'cool' so to speak by one person, and insanely geeky by another. I believe it is rather redundant just answering this question, as one's social status doesn't really affect where one stands in life. However, I ask this to myself just to see whether it could potentially affect me in any way.
So, am I cool? If the phrase refers to someone who spends their life looking for and following every trend that comes their way, then no. I don't believe that I really need to waste my time, life, and money on some stupid trend that will probably be gone within a decade anyways. I would be a total 'nerd' in that sense.
To me, the phrase 'cool' is just being okay with one's self. Sure, everyone wants something about them to change. ('Hey, why can't my hair be longer? Why can't that pimple just go away? Why can't my teeth be straighter?') However, I mean someone who, overall, is just okay with themselves as a person. I know that I have faults that I need to fix, but I'm okay being me. I'm probably not as 'cool' as a lot of other people out there because of my wants and wishes, but, overall, I would be decently 'cool' on my level.
By the majority of the world, 'cool' means 'popular/ being high on the social status'. I don't think this is necessarily true. Some of the most popular people out there (by what my personal definition of the phrase is) are some of the least 'cool' people on the planet. They will desperately try to keep up with trends and are always changing themselves to be considered popular by their peers. They aren't okay with being them, they always want to be something better.
So, no, I am not popular. I have some friends who probably fit the definition, but, as my own person, I am not considered such.
Do I care about being 'cool' from the world's view? I believe that everyone, somewhere deep in their mind, wants to be considered 'cool' and known by everyone in good light. And it also wouldn't be a bad experiment. However, I know that the popular people don't always tend to be the nicest/best friends someone could have, and some that are sucked in to the void of coolness are tempted and threatened by peers. They listen because they are afraid.
At the same time, I know that the 'cool' people have to go through a lot of stress. They have to watch every step because it will be spilled to the school (or world, if you replace 'cool' with 'famous'). I feel kind of sorry for them, actually, since, though it has its upsides, being 'cool' can also have many downsides.
What does this have to do with 'Paradise'? Paradise has been put into many different definitions. It is mostly described as the perfect place. Some people believe that the 'perfect' thing would be to be considered 'popular' and 'cool' by many. It isn't something likely to be passed up at the chance. The question is: WOULD this make your life feel better? WOULD it make life seem perfect, like beautiful 'Paradise'? OR would it make life much worse and seem horrible?

Let's go find Paradise!!

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