Sunday, January 15, 2012

This Week's Topic: What

If you haven't heard, I'm going to post a topic weekly now, on Saturday. I'll still post on the other days, it's just that the week's topics will be, well, one day a week. It's quite simple really.
(Edit: Sorry that it's late. Yesterday was all jumbled up.)

Now, there are a great deal many questions that can come of 'What'? For example, 'What is Paradise?' Well, that question can be answered in many different ways. Some people believe that Paradise is the perfect place where nothing wrong can happen.
The only Paradise, then, would be Heaven. I believe that, if you twirl your standards around a bit, we could find a Paradise on earth. Which is what I'm searching for, duh. As I was saying, most people believe it's perfect.
Well, what is perfect? Is perfect necessarily where nothing wrong ever happens, there is no war, there are no problems, and everything is calm? To some people the 'perfect situation' might be relaxing on a beach with a book in hand. The word Perfect varies, which definitely varies the term Paradise.
As a general term, though, Paradise would be where 'perfect' is normal.
What does Paradise look like? Paradise can come in many shapes and forms, depending on the person asked. To me, it's a place where I can be me without a worry. I wouldn't have to worry about the cruel judging, dramatic jerks I've had to deal with before. I would like to be recognized, but not as someone who just sets trends and follows them. Trends are stupid. Conformity just doesn't roll with me. Bleck.

When I first think of Paradise, an image of a place like the Garden of Eden pops up. An innocent, beautiful garden completely isolated from the crappy world outside. Maybe it is, maybe not. Who knows?
What makes Paradise Paradise? Well, all of these questions are dependent on the person you are asking. To me? Just the fact that nobody is there to judge you and you have freedom to do whatever your heart desires (unless that includes judging people/robbing banks) makes it sound so wonderful.
I mean, if you could go somewhere where it's OKAY to be the weirdest person on the planet? Perfect for me.

Let's go find Paradise!!!

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